The inspiration for The Camblim School began merely as a dream some four years ago. The dream was that of a Pakistani parent, and consisted of finding a school for his children that would be the perfect amalgamation of worldly education and Islamic values; the failure to find such a school catalyzed TCS’s evolution into a project from a mere idea. That dream was to unfold into a project that would serve to educate and enlighten, in both contemporary and religious spheres, the youth of Pakistan, INSHALLAH. We are establishing an environment that will be a merger of contemporary and Islamic education, offering an energetic sports atmosphere. We are going to provide international standard education along with an Information Technology lab, Science Lab, and most importantly research and development wing according to kids’ ages. We will offer indoor and outdoor sports to our school kids. TCS is equipped with well-maintained facilities such as computer and science laboratories and libraries, in addition to offering optional Hifz classes and a wide range of extra-curricular activities, all overseen by our conscientious faculty members.
To better understand the personality, sentiments and the activities of our preschool students, we take student observations on a daily basis. These observations are then compiled, analyzed and discussed to determine a personalized teaching plan for each of the students.
We aim to nourish creativity and channel the curiosity of the children through our preschool activities. These activities allow the children to explore their world and the world around them.
Sessions: Monday – Saturday
9am – 12noon
12noon – 1pm
1pm – 3.30pm
Since I studied and grew up in Pakistan, I have been evaluating our study standards and comparing with international study standards. We need to improve our study standards according to international standards with our Islamic values and norms. We have to teach our children according to Islamic rules using contemporary and Islamic studies along with the best co-curriculum and extra-curriculum. We have to develop confidence in our kids with strong education systems that can produce humans with Islamic values. We are offering a unique education system which is a mixture of Cambridge education, Pakistan education, and Islamic education under well-trained, certified, and qualified teachers. We are offering parents training to deal with kids at home. We have nutritionists and pediatricians who are offering their services periodically. We offer Holly Quran (Nazra), sports, well-equipped and interactive classrooms, and unique teaching methods for conceptual studies rather than a cramming system.
To impart quality education in modern contemporary subjects in a progressive and supportive Islamic environment, designed to foster the latent potential of each student, both in the field of academics & and beyond under the guidance of highly sincere, motivated, and qualified staff working selflessly towards character building, strengthening moral values, inculcating healthy habits and developing strong personality traits through a carefully structured curriculum.
TCS was established in 2017, in pursuance of the vision of a few motivated and enlightened individuals who saw a dire need to provide a system in which our younger generation would not only excel academically but would also be well-groomed in Islamic values with contemporary education, in the light of Quran and Sunnah. The school began with an intake of 70 students in a small building. TCS now boasts a student strength of with a faculty of brilliant teachers Alhamdulillah.
The Camblim School (TCS) is an educational institution committed to providing a high standard of academic education both in modern disciplines and Islamic teachings. We hope to equip our younger generation with the total to establish a dynamic Muslim society, geared towards making Pakistan a progressive Islamic state. We will offer the Cambridge curriculum with the merger of Punjab education and Islamic education. It will be bilingual studies (English and Urdu medium). We will offer parents’ training as well to make suitable environment at home for kids. To achieve this aim, TCS has developed a well-rounded curriculum that not only provides opportunities for students to excel in examinations at the end of school but also to acquire a deep understanding of our religion in its practical application to all aspects of life. New plan in addition to contemporary subjects offered in most private schools, TCS also offers Arabic as a language starting from grade I along with Nazrah and Tajweed from kindergarten to grade VI. From grade VII onwards, our students are introduced to Tarjuma and Tafseer of the Quran in English.
Learning is supposed to be fun. The goal should be the search for knowledge and excellence and not achieving high grades in the final exam. Instead of motivating the younger generation to become genuine seekers of knowledge, most of our institutions make them ignorant citizens and ignorant Muslims. TCS will endeavor to educate the students in such a way that whichever profession or field they adopt, they will be an asset to their families, their fellow citizens, their country, and the Muslim Ummah. They should grow up into mature knowledgeable citizens who will resist in existing era with their contemporary education along with Islamic education.
For junior classes, TCS focuses on developing linguistic, mathematical, and analytical skills to ensure that they acquire a strong academic base to build upon, as they progress towards higher grades. To elaborate on the Islamic Studies curriculum, the Nazra Quran was introduced in kindergarten and Quranic Studies from Grade IV. For female students wearing, a head scarf is compulsory from Grade III around, and wearing an Abaya is made compulsory from Grade VI. The offering of Zuhr prayers in the school is compulsory from Grade III onwards for all students. Admissions are open from Pre-Nursery to the Lower secondary, provided the candidates clear the entrance test and the interview. Throughout a child’s academic career, continuous effort and emphasis are laid on developing his/her character and personality apart from academics. This enables the students to encounter various situations in their practical lives. Various types of sports facilities are available for both indoor and outdoor games, such as swimming, football, basketball, and many more.
Apart from the prescribed syllabus, the Islamiyat curriculum at TCS is not only very comprehensive but also multi-dimensional. The toddler who enters TCS, at an early age, is immediately exposed to an environment reverberating with the mention of Allah (SWT) names and His glorious attributes. He quickly picks up the ways of the Sunnah and starts learning the musnoon daily duas. So, Alhamdulillah when a student completes his/her studies from TCS, he/she has not only read the Quran in Arabic (nazra) but has also gone through its meaning and explanation in some detail.
Our purpose-built campus provide academic and recreational amenities. Budget is allocated annually to update the libraries.
Extreme summer heat makes students sluggish and impact their productivity therefore AC split units have been installed.
Effective teaching and learning of science involves a perpetual state of show and tell in our well-equipped science labs.
In order to provide an environment that is conducive for e-learning and research, our tech-rich computer labs facilitate.
To better understand the personality, sentiments and the activities of our students, we take student observations on a daily basis. These observations are then compiled, analyzed and discussed to determine a personalized teaching plan for each of the students.
“As parents, we enjoy the involvement and the fact that our son is able to learn and grow in a safe, creative environment. Teachers are able to cope and give enough attention to every child. We are kept updated about classroom activities through the class dojo application. I was also very happy to receive a fairly detailed report during his first ever parent teacher meeting about his progress and development according to their early-learners syllabus.”
“Passionate, hard-working and goal-driven, are the three traits that best describe the Camblim School management and teachers. It’s rare that you find such a unique education system which focuses on personalized learning that is run by highly committed professionals. We see significant improvements in our child both academically and socially and are delighted to see her jump off the bed and go to school with enthusiasm.”
“My son was very shy when he started the school. But now he knows how to socialize and communicate with others. I am blessed that some of the same teachers who taught me are teaching my children as well. Teachers at the Camblim School make the child’s learning so joyful. I cannot believe how happy and confident he has become.”
“The teachers at Camblim are amazing. They genuinely love the children in their class. Good schools are built on the foundation of deep and genuine care for the students. Nordic has a solid foundation.”