Rules and Policies

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General Rules

  • Both parents must be present at the time of admission and interview.
  • Students of kindergarten onwards will take an admission test before an interview with the Principal. Younger children (2.5 Years to 4 years old) will have an informal assessment combined with an interview of both parents.
  • The date of birth entered in school records at the time of admission will be based on soft veered off and will be final.
  • The decision of the school regarding the admission cannot be challenged in any way and shall be final. In case of a withdrawal, a written application must reach the office at least one month before the beginning of the next fee term.
  • Students are to be dropped off at school and picked up at the specific school times. (The school attaches great importance to punctuality). The school will not be responsible if the student is not collected within one hour of the home time.
  • The school will issue an identity card for each student. To collect the child from school, the identity card must be presented at the gate.
  • Students are not to bring money to school. Request for payments for any expenses will be made by written notice or circular from the school office.
  • Students suffering from infectious diseases or ailments should not be sent to school until they have recovered sufficiently. Parents should conduct regular lice checks to prevent infestation.
  • Jewelries and other expensive personal items are not allowed in school.
  • The custodial staff (guards, ayahs, etc.) is not to be tipped directly.
  • The school reserves the right to suspend or expel a student on disciplinary, academic, or other grounds without prior notice and the refund of any fee.
  • Any change of address and/or telephone number must be reported to the school office in writing immediately. Making an appointment is required if the parents wish to meet any teacher apart from the Parent Teacher Meetings.
  • Latecomers for the morning assembly may be fined or they may be denied attending school that day.
  • Proper uniform is to be worn daily. The haircut is considered a part of the uniform. Students failing to have a proper haircut will be asked to get one in the school Premises.

Assessment Policy

Academic Schedule

  • First Term – February to June
  • Second Term – September to January

Examinations and Tests

There will be informal in-house assessments till Grade II. From Grade III onwards, examinations will be held as follows:

Annual Examination
  • Weekly Progress Test: One-week oral test and one-week written test
  • Monthly Progress Test: One complete test at the end of every month.
  • Mid-Year Examination: In September, one complete test of the covered syllabus.
  • End-Year Examination: One completion of the year, a complete exam including practical, oral, and written examinations.
  • Scient and computer Tests: The Camblim School will examine the students in science and computer practical tests and evaluate their performance.

Note: Absence during a test/examination without valid reasons will entail a zero mark and there will be no retests. In case of missing an exam for the final examination, past performance may be the criteria for promotion to the next class (if the student can't take the examination shortly). If a student fails to appear in the final examination, the school will ask the student to appear in the three major subjects to fulfill the promotion criteria. Passing Mathematics, English and Urdu is compulsory for promotion to the next class. Asking the school to be allowed to take examinations earlier because of personal reasons creates a non-academic environment. Hence, such requests will not be entertained.

Discipline Policy


To ensure a high standard of discipline in the school, the students must arrive on time. If a student arrives after morning assembly has commenced on any given day, he/she will not be allowed to enter the school Premises and will be sent back home from the gate. Please make sure your drivers are aware of this rule.


Any absence from school without a written application for leave shall vault a five to each day the student is absent. It is further clarified that it is within the prerogative of the school to start or day leave; a more submissive application should be taken as approval of leave. These measures have been put in place for the benefit of the school and students so that the school runs effectively and efficiently with the least amount of disruption to the system. Parents are encouraged to make sure they take tardiness as a serious matter and help us by doing what they can to eradicate this problem.


Complaint policies


These are always welcome and very encouraging to teachers and staff. The school encourages feedback or opinions from pupils and parents. In practice, this dialogue is continuous, sometimes directly and also indirectly, for example, through the Parents’ Association. It may not always be possible to act immediately but pupils and the school always benefit so please do not hold back.


Naturally, parents may, occasionally, be concerned about an aspect of their child’s education or welfare at school. This could include issues concerning the TCS’s approach to aspects of the curriculum, homework, behavioural problems, or any other issue. The TCS welcomes inquiries from parents about any matter. Teachers and staff will explain the school practices, and policies, & how they affect the pupils.


The procedure is again to speak to the child’s class teacher in the first instance or contact the school office to arrange an appointment to discuss your complaint with whoever you wish. The school’s policy is to follow the Authority and Department for Education guidelines when handling concerns and complaints. Just ask if you would like advice or a copy.

Child Protection Policy

The Camblim School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all its students. To ensure the welfare of all, The Camblim School believes that every member of the organisation has a role to play, which is encompassed in our Child Protection Policy. Its purpose is to protect both children and staff by clearly defining what action is required to keep children safe, and ensuring a consistency of behaviour so that all staff members follow the same process.

  • Clearly defined requirements to keep children safe
  • Clear ways of identifying concerns
  • Appropriate procedures if a concern should arise
  • Guidelines for reporting and recording concerns
  • Recruitment guidelines including screening and vetting procedures for all staff and visitors
  • Safe working practices and acceptable staff behaviour
  • Child protection training for all adults working with children

Child Protection Committees are based at each level of the system, from schools to the School Group to the Regional Office and the Head Office, so that we can follow up on any queries or concerns students, teachers, and parents may have with child safety in our schools.

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